
The 2015 census data come from the Lao Statistics Bureau.

The census is based on this questionaire and its data are in 3 files in the raw_data/census folder of the DropBox Ecomore2 folder:

The cleaning pipeline summarises these 3 data sets per village and merge them into a data frame of 485 villages and 260 variables available in a CSV file that can be copied and pasted from the data/census.csv CSV file or can be downloaded directly from R as:

> if (! "readr" %in% rownames(installed.packages())) install.packages("readr")
> pacs <- readr::read_csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ecomore2/census/master/data/census.csv",
+                         col_types = paste(c("ddccciiiiilllc", rep("d", 246)), collapse = ""))

Below is a description of the variables. The proportions and percentages variables in the household-based and individual-bases statistics are computed from categorical variables in the original census data and then averaged over villages. Quantitative variables in the original census data are averaged over villages.

Note that some variables are thus available in different versions depending on whether they have been averaged from individual or household data. This is the case for the 4 variables listed below:

household-based person-based
Q61._Males Male
Q62._Females Female
collective_households collective_persons
private_households private_persons