Raster file are downloaded from the GHSL website and then cropped onto the province of Vientiane (see here). Data are projected on the spherical Mercator projection ( EPSG:3857, which is the projection used by Google Maps, OpenStreetMap and Bing Maps among other) with a resolution of 38 m. Cleaned data can be downloaded here:
Raster file can be downloaded directly from R as so:
download.file("https://www.dropbox.com/s/4sxdsmj0s2nxy5c/builtup1990res38m3857.tif?raw=1", "builtup1990res38m3857.tif")
download.file("https://www.dropbox.com/s/en0u787brvk75pe/builtup2000res38m3857.tif?raw=1", "builtup2000res38m3857.tif")
download.file("https://www.dropbox.com/s/0jxx754zudgldf2/builtup2014res38m3857.tif?raw=1", "builtup2014res38m3857.tif")
And then loaded into R as so:
builtup1990 <- raster("builtup1990res38m3857.tif")
builtup2000 <- raster("builtup2000res38m3857.tif")
builtup2014 <- raster("builtup2014res38m3857.tif")